The Garden

I am studying in London and the concept of private gardens have never came across to me until I came here. Behind my college there is a garden that I always used to look from the window and always wanted to visit. When I asked for directions of how to get there they told me I couldn’t, because it was a private park. I was a little surprised but at the end with persuasion they let me in. The idea of privilege was present. The doors had many signs and there was a set of rules that talked about all the prohibition. The locks would Ironically said the word union on them when what they do is separate and divide, keep other people away. Harrington Gardens is a place where people of a higher class lives and its ironic how these people lock themselves away. Rich people protecting themselves from rich people. I also noticed the fact that there were so many broken things. Talking about class and quality and exclusiveness how these private parks are the same as a public parks or even worse.



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